Sunday, October 18, 2009

Parental Control

Company NiceKit announced a new version of the utility TimeBoss 2.37. This program is designed to control the time of users registered in Windows.

TimeBoss can not be started some of these programs, or programs located in certain folders or disks, is a register of users, has a simple and clear interface with multilanguage support and the ability to configure the user.

The principle of the program is simple: for all users specified time limit of work on the computer, and as soon as the user exceeds their limit, the program automatically logs off of his work. If the user identifying the prohibited programs, the program blocks them from running. If the user specified prohibited folders or drives, the program stops execution of all programs of these folders or drives. The program also has a list of allowed folders and programs in the list of banned.

In TimeBoss 2.37 made the following changes:

- The possibility not to give a user with the "slave" one extra minute if the time is over;
- The possibility to protect the session "Chef" password protected Time Boss;
- Perhaps a time limit for a week;
- Enhanced protection of the configuration of the abnormal power off the computer;
- Added automatic restoration of the damaged log file;

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